Die dunklen Zeiten zwingen uns dazu auch Einheiten in den Krieg zu schicken, den nur die, die sich zusammenschließen werden überleben…
Team A
System: Hordes
Faction: Legion of Everblight
Casters: 1/1
Points: 15/15
Vayl, Disciple of Everblight (*6pts)
* Raek (4pts)
* Raek (4pts)
* Shredder (2pts)
* Carnivean (11pts)
System: Warmachine
Faction: Khador
Casters: 1/1
Points: 15/15
Vladimir Tzepesci, the Dark Champion (*5pts)
* Destroyer (9pts)
Kayazy Assassins (Leader and 5 Grunts) (5pts)
Man-o-war Demolition Corps (Leader and 2 Grunts) (6pts)
chaos lurchi
System: Hordes
Faction: Skorne
Name: Tortures’n’tattoos
Points: 15/15
Master Tormentor Morghoul (*7pts)
* Molik Karn (11pts)
* Titan Gladiator (8pts)
Paingiver Beast Handlers (Leader and 3 Grunts) (2pts)
Swamp Gobber Bellows Crew (Leader and 1 Grunt) (1pts)
System: Warmachine
Faction: Protectorate of Menoth
Name: Repent and die -the next level!
Casters: 1/1
Points: 15/15
Harbinger of Menoth (*5pts)
* Crusader (6pts)
* Crusader (6pts)
* Revenger (6pts)
* Choir of Menoth [Leader and 3] (2pts)
Team B
Archon Cthulhu
System: Warmachine
Faction: Khador
Casters: 1/1
Points: 15/15
Supreme Kommandant Irusk (*5pts)
* Decimator (9pts)
Winter Guard Infantry (Leader and 9 Grunts) (6pts)
* Winter Guard Infantry Officer & Standard (2pts)
* 1 Winter Guard Infantry Rocketeer (1pts)
Kovnik Jozef Grigorovich (2pts)
System: Hordes
Faction: Circle Orboros
Casters: 1/1
Points: 15/15
Kaya the Wildborne (*6pts)
* Argus (4pts)
* Gorax (4pts)
* Feral Warpwolf (9pts)
Lord of the Feast (4pts)
Galaxy Defender
System: Warmachine
Faction: Protectorate of Menoth
Casters: 1/1
Points: 15/15
High Exemplar Kreoss (*5pts)
* Repenter (4pts)
* Revenger (6pts)
* Crusader (6pts)
Choir of Menoth (2pts)
Vassal of Menoth (2pts)
System: Warmachine
Faction: Cygnar
Casters: 1/1
Points: 15/15
Commander Coleman Stryker (*6pts)
* Charger (4pts)
* Lancer (6pts)
* Ironclad (7pts)
Black 13th. (4pts)
Tags: BolgGorog, Hordes, Liga, Warmachine